Please use our elaborated onboarding video to setup your system, please click here .
If you wish to take help on setting up compliances or any other stuff, please book your slot with our expert.
Hello ${userDetails.userName == undefined ? "Compiler" : userDetails.userName},
Greetings from ComplyAny…
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Your AddOns Details are:
Add-Ons | ${subscriptionDetails.plan} |
- | - |
Entity/company | ${subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_companies == undefined ? "-" : subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_companies} |
User | ${subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_users == undefined ? "-" : subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_users} |
Department | ${subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_departments == undefined ? "-" : subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_departments} |
Country | ${subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_Country == undefined ? "-" : subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_Country} |
Country Region | ${subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_countryRegion == undefined ? "-" : subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_countryRegion} |
Global Region | ${subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_globalRegion == undefined ? "-" : subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_globalRegion} |
Client Group | ${subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_clientGroup == undefined ? "-" : subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_clientGroup} |
Client | ${subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_Clients == undefined ? "-" : subscriptionDetails.addOns.no_of_Clients} |
Please use our elaborated onboarding video to setup your system, please click here .
If you wish to take help on setting up compliances or any other stuff, please book your slot with our expert.
Team ComplyAny
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