` + (logo != undefined ? ``: ``) + `
ComplyAny Logo Partner Logo

Hello ${name},

Greetings from ComplyAny...

Please be informed that below compliances have assigned by your company administrator or your manager, please review these and inform, in case any correction is required. Request you to completed below compliances on or before due dates, you will get 3 default reminders before due date of each compliance, if not completed on due date, 1st escalation email will be sent to your manager, if not completed after 1 day from due date, an escalation will be sent to Escalation Manager on 2nd day from due date.

${clientCondition ? '' : ""} ${addEscalationTable(complianceDetails)}
Entity Name Compliance Name Compliance No. Law Nature PeriodClientDue Date Responsible user name

Please don’t forget to update compliance date in system once completed. click to login to login and update compliance.

Team ComplyAny

This email was sent to you because your organization has subscribed to ComplyAny.
ComplyAny Infotech India Pvt. Limited
Office Number 1206, Assotech Business Cresterra, Gate Number 4, Sec 135, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201305, India