Team ComplyAny

Hello ${name},
Greetings from ComplyAny
Please find below Compliance Calendar for the month of ${moment().format("MMM-YYYY")}
S.No. | Date | Day | Period | Entity Name | Compliance Name | Responsible user name | Remaining Days |
1 | 23 Oct 2023 | Monday | Sep-2023 | XYZ Company | XYZ compliance | XYZ hr | 12 |
Please plan to complete compliances on or before due date(s) to avoid fines & penalties.
Login to ComplyAny to complete compliances click here
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This email was sent to you because your organization has subscribed to ComplyAny, compliance monitoring system.
ComplyAny Infotech India Pvt. Limited
123, DLF Tower - A, Jasola District Centre, New Delhi, 110 025, India